What is a Parish Council?
Firstly – we are nothing to do with the Church! The word ‘parish’ simply means a small area and the Parish Council is a group of local people – Parish Councillors – who are elected by the residents to represent East Wittering & Bracklesham.
Parish Councils are the lowest tier of local government and have legal powers and responsibilities bestowed on them mainly by the Local Government Act 1972.
What does the Parish Council do?
East Wittering & Bracklesham Parish Council is there to serve its community by representing the views of residents, becoming the ‘voice’ of the people. It also acts in the best interests of East Wittering & Bracklesham residents, by consulting them and carrying out projects to improve life in the village.
How can I find out what the Parish Council is doing?
Come to our meetings! The Council holds a planning meeting every three weeks and a Council meeting every month in Bracklesham Barn (or via zoom during the COVID crisis). Agendas with details of what will be discussed are published on the website and meeting dates and details are displayed on the parish notice boards (outside of Wittering Walk, on the corner of Farm Road and at Bracklesham Barn). All meetings are held in public and time is set aside for you to talk about any item on the agenda.
‘Like’ the Council’s Facebook page for Council updates.
Who are the Parish Councillors?
The Parish Council has eleven members who are elected by village residents every four years. They are ordinary people who share an interest in the community and want to ‘do their bit’ to make East Wittering & Bracklesham a better place to live. They do not get paid for being a Councillor but do have a duty to attend meetings and to uphold high standards of behaviour in their role.
How do I get involved?
You can get involved by coming along to any of the meetings and see what we do.
If you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor before the next election, then keep an eye out in case a vacancy arises on the Council. Usually vacancies are filled by co-option (although it can be by election) and application forms are available from the Clerk – enquiries@eastwitteringbrackleshampc.org.uk.
Parish Council meetings are held on the second Thursday of every
month, except August, at 7pm.
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